Thursday, January 27, 2011

Marvel and DC

Up until a few months ago I had not read a comic or graphic novel from Marvel and DC for years. I stopped reading books from the big two for a few reasons. The first is the BIG EVENTS. They got out of control and in the end had little to no pay off. Plus when one ended another began. Remember when big crazy things would happen in comics then right after they gave the characters a break for an issue or two? The second the more things change the more they stay the same. Oh did you hear who they killed off? Oh guess who is back alive? Spider-Man revealed his secret identity to the world? Oh it's cool now he made a deal with Mephisto to save Aunt May's life and erased everyone's memory of who he really he is under the mask. Oh and also made it so Peter and Mary Jane never got together. Great job Peter! Give up the love of your life, the woman who has been with you through thick and thin (even when you were on a break she was still there for you.) for your Aunt who will probably die of a hard attack or have a bad fall making it so you'll have to feed her and change her diapers. She lived along enough life let her go. (and yes I know she got shot by one of Kingpins assassins.) The third reason is I am a indie comic book writer (very very indie). I thought it was only right that I read and support only indie books for awhile. 

Now don't get me wrong and think I'm an indie snob. I love the Marvel and DC characters. I grew up watching the X-men and Batman cartoons. I remember when I was a kid and just buying whatever comic and reading them. Most of the time I didn't and couldn't keep up with story arches but still loved them. But like I said up until a few months ago I had not read a book from the big two. I heard a lot of buzz about Superman Earth One so I went out and bought it. I like it but the story felt rushed. Being a graphic novel they could have done as many pages as they wanted. About a week ago I picked up Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Vol. 1: The God Who Fell to Earth. It's such an awesome book and of course it got canceled. The trade is the first four issues and two issues of Journey Into Mystery which tell Thor's origin into the Marvel Universe. Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee do an amazing job of giving it a golden age feel without making it campy. I really hope the get the opportunity to put out issues 9 - 12. So they at least get to finish the story they wanted to tell. Come one Marvel you got Disney money now. So now I will be reading DC and Marvel books again. I won't collect monthly just the trades. 

So anyone got a suggestion on what I should be reading?

Stay nerdy my friends. 

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