Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prime Time Geek

Once upon a time in a far away land I met The Professor...

The far away land was Orlando and The Professor's name is Felix Ramon Albuerne Jr. He is the host of a awesomely geektastic podcast called Prime Time Geek. We were introduced to one another by a mutual friend of ours (and Ghost Shadow Studio)her name is Lisa Corrao and she is a stand up comedian (who just so happens to be a geek herself). Back to Felix now! I met Felix at Megacon and I kept in contact with him in hopes of promoting the comic book company and my book Torpidity. So I finally got the go and did the interview but I did one thing most people probably wouldn't have done. I kept listening to the show and I stayed in contact with Felix.

Big side note..
On the same show The Man from Slacker and The Man podcast was co hosting. I am only telling you about this because one we are friends with them now and secondly I was completely new to podcasts. They were kind of a weird alien idea to me at the time. I didn't realize that these guys pour a lot of time, money and effort into something most people would call a hobby. I personally do not and would not call what they do a hobby. It's a job you don't get paid to do but hope some day you will make it into a career. I completely empathize with this being an indie comic book creator. I also did an interview with Slacker and The Man a month or so later. Just like Prime Time Geek I kept listening to the The Man's podcast as well.

Listening to PTG over time I noticed Felix liked having guest on the show. Being the media whore that I am I suggested that I start doing a segment reviewing indie comics books. Felix liked the idea and a few weeks ago not only did I do my first segment I was in studio with Felix for two hours. That's right two hours of talking about nerdy things and I loved it a lot! Those two hours are actually split into two shows the first was episode 156 We discussed THE WALKING DEAD and I reviewed indie comics Gear Head and Demo (you have to listen to the podcast to hear my thoughts on them). The second show was episode 157 and we covered J. Michael Stravinsky leaving Superman and Wonder Woman to work solely on his follow up to the hot selling Superman Earth One trade. There is also a review of “Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Adam” from Warner Premiere and the DC Universe Animated Movies Collection and we wrapped up the Show with the Smallville Smackdown (in which I have no opinion since I stopped watching the show around season 3.)

So check out those shows and all the other episodes of Prime Time Geek. Felix puts on great quality shows and he is a awesome dude. Also check out the Slacker and The Man podcast as well.

Stay nerdy my friends.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Conan O'Brien

I want to state how happy I am that Conan is back on the air. As we all know NBC took the the Tonight Show away from Conan (which he only was on for 7 months) and gave it back to Jay Leno. The decision was all about money. It was cheaper to get rid of Conan so they gave him a nice fat check and showed him the door. (Side note... Jay Leno should have just retired from television during the whole mess. He handed the reins over to Conan on national television and he should have respected that.)

So with a deal signed keeping him off air for 8 months Conan went viral. His team got him to start up a twitter account and www.teamcoco.com Not being able to be on t.v. and being a attention whore Conan started the The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour. Then in April a surprising announcement came out that Conan O'Brien was going to be on TBS. I heard this and was happy. I'm pretty sure I did a happy dance... well not a physical one just in my head.

I grew up watching Conan when he was on Late Night and of course followed him over to the Tonight Show. I have in fact watched every episode of the tonight show that aired (one didn't air when he fell and got a concussion racing Teri Hatcher). I have watched every episode of Conan on TBS. I like many others out there will follow him on any network he is on. He makes me laugh all the time and he is a good human being. So I want to thank TBS and all of my fellow Team Coco people for keeping him on television.

Keep up the good work Mr. O'Brien (and his awesome staff as well) and Conan... never shave that sweet beard.


Hello one and all!
My name is Alex Teston but I also go by Comic Book Alex. I didn't start this blog just because I am becoming more and more of media whore everyday. This is going to be a venue for me to review comics, television shows, movies and some times video games. I will also using this site to plug my friends and as much nerd news as can. Check back with us once and awhile and stay nerdy my friends.