Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yeah I'm a slacker.

Yes, I do realize it has been far too long since the last time I posted anything on here. I won't lie and say I have been too busy. Even though I started a geek podcast (Just a couple of Gs) 2 months ago with three awesome people. No, that is not why I haven't posted anything. I will admit it's because I'm a slacker. I rather play video games and watch too much t.v. then sit here and write something like 3 people are going to read. Then I realized with great podcasting comes great social media responsibility. Man can not reach the masses with his podcast, twitter and facebook page alone. No I must get my brain off the lazy train (hey that rhymed) and get it to write these giant grammatically incorrect rants about geek culture and whatever happens to pop into my giant bearded head. I think I may have said something like this before and at this moment I mean it. I will try my damnedest to write at least ONE blog a week. I know there are people that can do it everyday or every other day but I'm a realist so once a week is my goal. It's good to have goals at least I'm not saying hey I'll write more without giving a set number. Actually that could be better for me because just writing this very blog is full filling  that very promise. So you read it here folks ONCE a week. If I don't do it feel free to yell at me.

As always stay Nerdy my friends.